Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Yesterday nothing seemed impossible. My dreams my only limit. Living bravely and fearlessly was within my grasp. Feel free to add your own fluffy, feel good phrases of self-improvement speak, but I have to stop because I'm getting nauseous.

I got my bank statement in the mail yesterday afternoon. It's an unfortunate coincidence when your bank statement from the month of December arrives right after you declare, "The time has come to leap into the unknown." My unknown involves leaving my "career" as an audiologist with no solid plan of what to do next. My December bank statement reminded me about the little rip I started in my safety net with donations to Brattleboro Hospice and the Green Mountain Club not to mention the cost of re-insulating the crawl space (a.k.a. Adrian's Room).

I'm not changing my mind about my plan. Not yet. But I'm having Brave Creator remorse today. Because really, who am I kidding, I have no idea how to do this.

Two weekends ago I did something really crazy(I wish there was a font for sarcasm). I bought a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle at the Hallmark Store in the Springfield Plaza. It's a picture of two cardinals sitting on a tree branch in the winter. I set up the card table and started the puzzle putting together process. I even got Chip to help me. How is that for excitement and shaking things up? Hey, I'll be a hit at the senior citizen center.


  1. Hey, what a co-inki-dink . . . Brian and I did a similar cardinal in winter puzzle when we wne to visit his parents in November. :)

  2. I hear this is all the rage if you're looking for a good time with minimal investment. http://www.wsbt.com/news/11077771.html

    let me know how it goes (call or write please).

  3. Um, n8n, where do you find your "news"? You are one informed dude. Next time I have a fermented feces/urine huffing party I'll make sure to stop by your office and tell you in person how it was. Hallucinogenic halitosis? Yum.

    BTW, the puzzle has been dismantled and is ready to be donated. I put together about 75 pieces. Then it was getting in the way of my jenkem operation.
