Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rainy Sunday

The day started off slowly. Clouds came in, the sky darkened, the rain came down, thunder rumbled in the hills. Through the small, orange spray painted "solid state" GE radio in the kitchen (i.e. seriously old school) I'm listening to A Prairie Home Companion, drinking a steaming cup of coffee and glancing through the New York Times. Prairie Home Companion is happening in Ohio where it is also stormy. A crack of thunder is heard in the background at an opportune moment just before a punch line which sends the audience into peels of applause. A few minutes later I hear thunder here in Vermont. Jorma Kaukonen comes on to play some nice finger-picked blues. And then it's time for the Lake Wobegon story. No one tells a story like Garrison Keillor. What a pleasure to listen as he weaves words into life.

The rain here pours straight down in earnest, there's more lightning, more thunder. It's gonna be a good Sunday.


  1. TC - just checking in. I LOVE Garrison Keillor. I'm reading a book called Leaving Home currently. I really liked the 3 Lake Wobegon books. Sadly, I've never listened to the radio programme.

    Keep up the good work... simple little blog posts like this one make Cozy Toes worth reading. (I call it simple but you probably took an hour and a half to exquisitely craft the perfect sequence of words in this post, didn't you? You silly perfectionist, you.)

    In other news, I'm thinking about camping on the summit of Glastenbury and watching fireworks from the tower there on Friday night. Then I can finish my VT3Ks on Saturday morning - sounds exciting, eh? No solid plans yet, though.

  2. Glad you found something enjoyable when you checked in. That makes me happy. And actually I am pretty far from a perfectionist. I'm usually closer to the good-enough-ist end of the spectrum unfortunately. Sometimes simple works.

    Fireworks from Glatenbury? Cool. Finishing the VT3Ks? Cool. Hope your plans come together for that.

  3. Thanks. Looks like the plans are falling into place. Then, I'll never have to go back to your crummy state again! ;) That is, until I set out to do the Long Trail again next summer...
